Extension agent is garden club guest speaker
Published 4:57 pm Monday, October 3, 2022
Jessica Bessin, extension agent for horticulture with the UK-Mercer County Cooperative Extension, was the guest speaker at the September meeting of the Garden Club of Danville meeting held recently at the Presbyterian Church.
Mimi Gosney presented a thank you gift of Elmwood Inn Tea after the presentation about herbs.
Members brought potted herbs and floral arrangements incorporating herbs for judging. Herbs are colorful, fragrant, and flavorful, with blossoms that attract make species of pollinators.
Herbs are easy to grow and can form intricate patterns in formal gardens, sprawl alongside the flowers and vegetables of a country garden or flourish in a small pot on a windowsill.
To demonstrate the use of herbs in cooking, the following week the club held a potluck lunch featuring herb-flavored dishes. More than 30 samples from appetizers to desserts were offered so everyone could taste each one. Ideas and recipes were exchanged, along with plans for growing and eating more herbs in the future.