Bottom shares her vision as Boyle County’s next judge-executive
Published 12:38 pm Tuesday, November 29, 2022
- Boyle County Judge-Executive Trille Bottom. Photo by Lance Gaither
With more than 30 years of experience in county government, 10 of which were as fiscal court clerk, Trille Bottom, is ready to become Boyle County’s next judge-executive. Bottom, who narrowly defeated incumbent Howard Hunt in the November election, has several goals she would like to accomplish as judge-executive. Those include continuing broadband expansion, infrastructure improvement, economic development, and raising county employee wages.
“Hopefully in due time, I would like to see every Boyle resident to have access to broadband,” Bottom said. “I want to continue our economic development and promoting new jobs. I want to continue working with the Danville-Boyle County Economic Development Partnership to look for areas where Boyle County can prosper. I also want to look at salaries of certain departments. Our employees are our greatest asset, I would like to try and get them to stay here and not look for employment where they are getting more money. I want our employees to have the best salaries and benefits they can possibly have without breaking the bank. Lots of times where you are looking to increase services you have to increase taxes or cut something. Most of the time that thing getting cut is non-profits which I don’t want to do, They depend on county government support and I want to continue that. There is something we have to find where we can get them what we need, not cut non-profits and not raise taxes.”
She understands road improvement is a long-term project and hopes to continue the projects started by her predecessors.
“There is a plan for roads, that is something that I need to talk to our public works director to see what we do with our 7 year road plan,” Bottom said. “Roads need to be dependable for emergency vehicles. It is a high priority for me. Judges prior have begun something that the next has picked up on. Broadband goes back 15 years. I want to continue the services that are already in place to the residents of Boyle County.”
Bottom ran for judge-executive because she believes she is trusted by the community. That said, she knew it would be a close race.
“I’ve been doing this for 32 years, I enjoy serving the public,” Bottom said. “Boyle County deserves the opportunity for a leader who is honest, truthful, and about the citizens of the county rather than themselves or their party. I have name recognition and knew a lot of people would vote for me but it is hard to beat an incumbent. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. I was ecstatic when it turned out in my favor. I have always served a non-partisan office. I want to continue to serve the people of Boyle County. I’m humbled by the trust people have put in me.”
She looks to have guidance from the incumbent county magistrates on the fiscal court.
“I don’t look at any magistrate with a letter after their name. To me they are representing their constituents and we are here for everyone in Boyle County,” Bottom said. “I will work with the magistrates closely. I will lean on the ones who were already on the court for their experience and knowledge. As for the new magistrates, hopefully we can learn along side each other. It will be nice not being the only new person on the court. I look forward to serving with everyone of them. They all bring something unique from themselves with their own ideas.”