From our Files
Published 12:39 pm Monday, January 30, 2023
100 YEARS AGO —1923
• A committee representing a newly organized bank in Perryville purchased the banking house and fixtures of the Old Peoples Bank and Trust Company for $7,000. Possession was scheduled in April.
• The flu epidemic in Perryville which has been raging for several weeks have kept physicians busy. Six members of the Dr. C.A. Sanders’ family were confined to their home on Danville Street. School attendance was cut in half in Danville schools which were closed for a week due to the flu epidemic.
• Maud N. Miller and E.B. Rutter Miller School of Business in Lexington leased a portion of a building on South Third Street to open a business school in Danville. Classes were scheduled to begin in February.
• More than a 100 skaters dressed all kinds of costumes filled Stout’s Rink. They presented a Mardi Gras appearance and furnished much merriment to spectators.
75 YEARS AGO — 1948
• A bill to reduce the number of elections in Kentucky and introduced by Rep. Roy Arnold, a Democrat of Danville,
was to be decided by the state House of Representatives.
• Centre College was one of 16 schools in nine states to send representatives to the second annual Azalea Intercollegiate debate tournament in Spring City, Alabama. The subject of the debate was “Resolved that a Federal World Government Should be Established.”
• The Rev. Frank A. Rose, pastor of First Christian Church, said “The greatest need of youth today is devotion — a devoted Teacherhood and Parenthood” — in an address for the Maple Avenue Parent-Teacher Association.
• Danville was almost buried under snow which drifted to heights from six to eight inches over a sheet of ice. It covered steps and sidewalks and curbs making the practically invisible. The temperature dropped to 3 degrees in downtown.
• New directors of the Boosters Club of Junction City were Irvine E. Lausman, president; Henry Singler, Earl Cocanougher, Mrs. Nelson Dunsmore, Eddie Singler, Grover C. Robinson and Hugh Reynolds.
50 YEARS AGO — 1973
• Kentucky School for the Deaf was closed until February because of a flu epidemic at the school. One-hundred and twenty-five of the 400 students were sick and all infirmary beds were full. Eleven teachers, 32 cottage parents and five nurses also were ill.
• Danville was bringing the city’s property tax administration into the computer age. The goal was to have better service to the taxpayer in terms of fast, accurate assessments at a reduced cost to the city, and ultimately, to the taxpayer.
• A drive began by the Boyle County High School Band, and its Parents Club to raise $1,400 to purchase new band uniform covers and uniforms for an 18-20-member Pep Band through collection of boxtops, labels and tear strips from a group of products.
• Danvillians had mixed emotions after the announcement of ceasefire in Vietnam. Mayor Roy Arnold said: “It’s terrific. This is something we’ve prayed for years and years and our prayers have been answered. Mrs.Ben Million, who lost a son during the conflict in 1968, was relieved that it’s finally over. “I’m glad its ended and proud for the other mothers whose sons can come home.”
25 YEARS AGO — 1998
• Charles Vahlkamp and Stephen Powell were named to endowed professorships at Centre College. Vahlkamp was named to the Charles Hazelrigg Professorship in Humanities, and Powell was designated for the Paul Cantrell Professor in Humanities.
• Dr. Chuck Keiser was named chairman of the Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce for 1998-2000 term. New directors for the three-year term were Jim Jacobus, chairman-elect and Bill Pollom was named vice chairman.
• Local police officer Woodrow S. Goodlett retired from Danville Police Department after 27 years of service. When he began as officer in 1971, Danville city limits was much smaller. There were10 police officers for 8,000 residents when he began as officer, and 27 officers for an estimated 16,000 residents when he retired.
• Danville city schools were closed for a week due to influenza which was causing illness in students and adults. Only 83.0 percent of the 1,818 students were in attendance.
• Preservation and enhancement of the Perryville Battlefield was targeted for $800,000 through the Perryville Battlefield Preservation Association.