Humane Society holds volunteer-appreciation lunch.

Published 5:40 am Friday, April 28, 2023


On Thursday, the Danville-Boyle County Humae Society held a volunteer-appreciation lunch to show appreciation for those who volunteer for the society and to encourage others to join.

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“It’s volunteer-appreciation week, and non-profits like us rely on volunteers to run our operation,” said DBCHS Executive Director Kari Kuh. “Our core volunteers are here right now. We have our volunteer who works on the Mutts with Manors programs at Northpoint Training Center. We have our general volunteers, and of course wall the folks who help take care of the dogs and cats. We love all of our volunteers, it takes a village and we couldn’t do it without you.”

Lunch was provided by the Piggin’ Out food truck. Door prizes were givien away including limited edition t-shirts, mugs, bags, and prize baskets.