Fiscal court reviews administrative code, extends solar farm moratorium

Published 3:28 pm Monday, July 10, 2023


The Fiscal Court approved a long list of changes to the administrative code at their meeting on June 27.

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County Administrator Julie Wagner went through all the changes, many of which were minor language changes, adding language, or striking out unneeded sections.

The court added the following sentences to different sections of the code: Inventory will now be solely handled by the finance officer. The treasurer will assist the judge in financing capital projects. Human Resources will have input on any disciplinary actions with employees. The bank cannot pay a warrant without a signature from both the treasurer and county judge executive, or a second signature is designated by the county judge executive.

They struck out several sections of the county administrator’s list of duties. Judge-Executive Trille Bottom explained that the things they struck are things that Wagner has not been doing.

They changed appropriation limits from $9,999 to $10,000, and from $10,000 to $10,001. Any purchase less than $10,000 will be deemed a small purchase. Small purchases will need at least three bids.

Buying disposable medical supplies will be exempt from small purchase requirements. Wagner explained that EMS frequently has to buy disposable supplies like bandages and masks, and this will make it easier for them to buy this inexpensive material.

The court approved adding a half paid day off for county employees on the Friday of The Great American Brass Band Festival. Bottom explained that this year, the courthouse parking lot entrances were blocked at the time the courthouse closed due to people going to Weisiger Park for the festival on Friday, so employees couldn’t exit the lot. She explained that those parts of the road will continue to be blocked off in future years on the Friday of the festival, so it’ll be better for employees to leave sooner.

Magistrates also discussed adding Juneteenth as a county paid holiday, since it’s already a federal holiday.

The court reviewed many other minor changes over the course of one hour during the June 27 meeting. To hear all the changes, go to the Boyle County Fiscal Court YouTube page to the June 27 meeting video.

The court approved extending the current moratorium on solar farms until December 31, 2023. The moratorium would’ve ended June 30. Bottom said they are in the process of creating a new comprehensive plan with Planning and Zoning, which could address solar farms in the plan.

“By then we should have a better understanding of what the comprehensive plan looks like through all of our meetings,” Bottom said. “And we’ll know how the citizens feel about solar in Danville and Boyle County.”

In other business, the court:

• Approved the second reading of the new fiscal year budget. Bottom thanked the court for all their hard work on the budget.

The budget contains a $25 million bonding capacity, which magistrates clarified that they are not spending all that money as of now. County Treasurer Darlene Lanham said that number is in the budget every year typically. But the county might use that money when they have to get a bond for building a new jail this year.

• Reappointed all county employees and their salaries.

• Lanham said they had an exit interview with fiscal year 2022 auditors. She said the audit had some findings, but that they had anticipated all the findings and have since been resolved.

• Appointed Matthew Ellis to the Fire Board for a three year term until June 30, 2026.

• Reappointed Tim Montgomery to the tourism committee for a three year term until June 30, 2026.

• Fleet Management Director Tommy Robertson gave a report about what he’s done over the last six months. He said in those six months, they have saved $64,123 from both purchasing parts and labor by having his position of a full time mechanic. He said since the county added his position roughly a year ago, they have saved $131,271.

• Passed the first reading of a zone change for 1765 Bonta Lane near Junction City. The property is 1.7 acres and will be changed from agricultural to single family residential.