Salvation Army seeks volunteers for Red Kettle campaign

Published 10:51 am Monday, November 27, 2023

By Lance Gaither

The Christmas season is the busiest time of the year for the Salvation Army. In addition to their regular services, the Salvation Army holds the Red Kettle campaign and Angel Tree program to help those in-need throughout the holiday season. In the five counties served by the Danville Salvation Army, nearly 600 children are in need of assistance during the holidays.

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“Christmas assistance is things like new clothing, shoes, toys, and educational activities,” said Salvation Army Lt. Judah Irvin. “It helps the children be children and not know they are struggling. It helps provide things they need to live a normal productive life, learn, and grow. The program is significant in that.”

During the season, the Salvation Army holds the Red Kettle campaign which is the organization’s primary source of funding.

“It is really a critical but beautiful part of the Salvation Army,” Irvin said. “There are more families in need which means we are having more requests for assistance. We are finding we are struggling to have our funds stretch as far as they should.”

Irvin explained that right now, the Salvation Army of Danville is struggling to find bell ringers for the program.

“About a third of our slots are filled, we need much, much more,” Irvin said. “If anybody is interested in volunteering, wants to help a neighbor, or maybe feel a calling, consider volunteering.”

Irvin and his wife, Alyssa, have been commanders at the Danville Salvation Army since June. Irvin has been involved with Salvation Army for many years and comes from a long line of volunteers.

“My family is a family of officers. Generation after generation has served in the Salvation Army,” Irvin said. “Back in West Virginia in the 1930s my family was served by the Salvation Army. Because of the love we received we now serve faithfully.”   

They were previously  commanders of the Owensboro Salvation Army before being assigned to Danville.

“Since being in Danville we have seen that the community generously supports the Salvation Army,” Irvin said. “The community comes together as a whole to support one another and it really beautiful to be a part of it.”

If you are in need of assistance or would like to volunteer, call the Danville Salvation Army office at 859-236-4473. Volunteers for the Red Kettle campaign can sin up at