Boyle County Court Records
Published 9:48 am Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Compiled by Fiona Morgan
Cases handled recently in Boyle District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases.
• Laura Hernandez: DUI, $200 fine; leaving scene of accident / failure to render aid or assistance, 90 days, suspended 90 days, 2 years probation; no insurance, same sentencing as previous charge, not to operate vehicle without valid license; no license, same as previous; possession of open alcohol beverage container in motor vehicle, $25 fine; second-degree criminal mischief, 90 days, suspended 90 days, 2 years probation.
• Tansy Symonds: third-degree burglary, amended to attempt, 365 days, suspended 365 days, 2 years probation, no contact with property.
• Luke Benedict: receiving stolen property between $1,000 and $10,000, amended to attempt, 365 days, suspended 355 days, credit for 10 days served, 2 years probation.
• Danielle None Sadler: second-degree disorderly conduct, 198 days, credit for 198 days served; theft of mail matter, amended to attempt, same sentencing as previous charge; first-degree possession of controlled substance (meth), amended to attempt, same as previous; third-degree assault – inmate assault on corrections, amended to fourth-degree assault no visible injury, same as previous.
• James Clayton Pevley: shoplifting, 30 days.
• Mollie Elizabeth Robinson: first-degree possession of controlled substance (heroin), amended to attempt, 365 days, suspended 364 days, credit for 1 day served, 2 years probation; public intoxication of controlled substance, 30 days, suspended 30 days, 2 years probation, to run concurrently.
• Yahir Menchaca: DUI aggravated circumstances, 4 days, credit for 2 days served, $200 fine.
• Marco Antonio Perez Vazquez: DUI second offense aggravated circumstances, 14 days, credit for 1 day served, $350 fine; possession of open alcohol beverage container in motor vehicle, $25 fine.
• Ashley Shea Acord: first-degree possession of controlled substance (meth), amended to attempt, 365 days, suspended 114 days, credit for 251 days served, 2 years probation; buy / possess drug paraphernalia, 90 days, suspended 90 days, 2 years probation, to run concurrently.
• Kevin Boian Smith: DUI, $200 fine; second-degree wanton endangerment, 365 days, suspended 364 days, credit for 1 day served, 2 years probation, substance abuse evaluation; first-degree criminal mischief, amended to second-degree, same as previous; first-degree fleeing or evading police (in motor vehicle), amended to second-degree (on foot), same as previous.
• Juana Abad Lopez: first-degree fleeing or evading police in motor vehicle, amended to attempt, 365 days, suspended 361 days, 2 years probation; passing loading/unloading school/church bus, 90 days, suspended 90 days, 2 years probation; speeding 25 mph over limit, $50 fine.
• Billy Shawn Davis: first-degree possession of controlled substance (cocaine), amended to attempt, 365 days, credit for 157 days served; buy / possess drug paraphernalia, same as previous, to run concurrently to each other and a Lincoln County case.
• Kristina Gail Leathers: local county ordinance, $25 fine.
Civil judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• PennyMac Loan Services vs. Cody Elliott et al, foreclosure, judgment and order of sale.
• Jonathan Massey vs. Wilma Massey, divorce granted.
• Steven T. Kearns vs. Pamela K. Kearns, divorce granted.
• Jeremy Michael Noel vs. Audrey Belcher Noel, divorce granted.
• Michelle Antoinette Llamas vs. Sandy Kelly, divorce granted.
• LVNV Funding vs. Terry Wehmiller, contract – other, default judgment for plaintiff.
Criminal judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• Tony Estes: first-degree strangulation, amended to second-degree, 3 years, consecutive to a Lincoln County case; fourth-degree assault domestic violence minor injury, 12 months.
• Michael Woods: second-degree burglary, amended to third-degree, 5 years, suspended 5 years, 5 years probation, consecutive to other Boyle County cases.
• Napier Vincent: failure to comply with sex offender registration second or more offense, amended to first offense, $165 court costs.
• Maurice Stitt: first-degree possession of controlled substance (cocaine), amended to second-degree (drug unspecified), 6 months, concurrent to other Boyle County cases.