Tips to help prevent dry skin in winter

Published 12:08 pm Monday, January 15, 2024

Cold temperatures, gusting wind, and limited exposure to sunlight can be the perfect storm for producing dry skin and itching in the winter months.  If you are prone to dry, itchy skin, there are some things you can do to prevent its onset.

Use creams instead of lotion, particularly on skin that is commonly exposed to the outdoor elements such your face or hands. Creams are thicker and provide a better barrier between skin and harsh weather conditions.

Avoid skin and hair products with fragrance.  Many products that include synthetic fragrance can cause irritation and make itching worse when skin is already raw or inflamed.

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Avoid long, hot showers.  As tempting as a steamy shower can be to remedy cold weather blues, extreme heat can be additionally drying to your skin, compounding the problem.

Seek professional help for persistent problems.  If over-the-counter attempts to resolve itching and irritated skin are not working, see a dermatologist.  Sometimes winter weather can trigger underlying skin conditions that need professional care and prescription treatment.

For more information on healthy skin, contact Alethea Bruzek at