Arts Commission presents “The Convergence of Desire”

Published 4:39 pm Friday, February 23, 2024

By Mimi Becker, Arts Commission.

The Danville Boyle County Arts Commission is presenting the play, “The Convergence of Desire” on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. at Danville High School’s Gravely Hall.

In 2018, the Arts Commission commissioned local playwright Liz Orndorf to create three plays specifically designed to address issues of positive decision making, developing healthy relationships and exploring and sharing talents and gifts.

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The series is sponsored by the Boyle County Agency for Substance Abuse Policy and other donors.

Since 2018, though interrupted by Covid for two years, the three plays have been performed to thousands of students and teachers in three school systems and members of the public.  Thanks to the sponsors, all performances are free.

“The Convergence of Desire” is a play about five young people who have gathered to talk about their futures.  Each has a different story to tell and doubts to share.  As the show progresses, the individuals who come from different backgrounds and experiences express their doubts and are questioned by the others to consider their talents and gifts.

Each character grows to see what is positive in their lives and how to use their interests and dreams to make decisions about their futures.  Each story has a solo musical number which is presented and then the whole cast joins in to support the individual.

At the conclusion of the play, the cast participates in a “talk back” with the audience.  The cast consists of Miles Henson, Alexis Herrera, Hayden Maples, Emilee Beauman, and Nico Lucas.  All are students at Danville High School and have participated in numerous theater productions both at the school and in the community.

The program lasts 60 minutes including time to discuss the issues and themes the play presents. For additional information, contact Mimi Becker at