From Our Files
Published 12:51 pm Monday, April 8, 2024
- The front page of an extra edition of The Danville Messenger published on Nov. 11, 1918. (Advocate-Messenger archives)
100 YEARS AGO — 1924
- Hickman Carter was elected president of the local Chamber of Commerce after Thompson Crooks resigned. The Chamber of Commerce had 90 members.
- A delegation of men from Boyle County joined others from Casey and Lincoln counties and met with the state Highway Commission to discuss extending a road from Boyle County KY to Bowling Green and Nashville, TN.
- The Dunn Brothers Tire Company advertised the company had a carload of automobile tires that were sold at bargain prices.
- A musical program by E.T. Kemper and 12 singers was held at the Alamo Theatre in Junction City.
- A gentleman said it had been one of the “worst spells of weather that he could recall.” The sun had not shined for three hours in the past two weeks.
75 YEARS AGO — 1949
- New stockyards in Danville got underway with work on the ground for the new plan.
- Forest Johnson and Walter Hines were in Lexington to discuss the possibility of having the W.L. Lyons & Company Brokers company branch re-opened in Danville.
- W.H. Kinnaird, prohibition agent, and former Centre College student received a $500 reward for helping to apprehend and convict parties who killed Burdette Huffaker Stillhouse, a guard in Anderson County.
- Boyle County Clerk John B. Nichols sold 1,596 auto and truck licenses, 100 short from last year.
- A.B. Robertson & Brothers store was selling winter coats for $29.75 each.
- Eleven crosses of the Ku Klux Klan were burned in Boyle, three of which were near Danville.
50 YEARS AGO — 1974
- The Kentucky State Hospital and 1,000 acres of land on Burgin Road were up for auction. The land was bought 30 years prior as a farm where State Hospital patients could raise produce for the facility.
- Boyle Fiscal Court voted to tear down the current jail and proceed with plans for a new building on the site. County Attorney George M. McClure III said the building had “no real historic value” except its age.
- Approximately 200 people attended the first production of the newly formed Children’s Theatre at Pioneer Playhouse. Imelda Cooper was the producer.
- Farmers were asked by a state extension entomologist to check their alfalfa fields for signs of alfalfa weevil damage. If the tips of 25 percent of the plants showed evidence of leaf feeding, spraying was recommended.
25 YEARS AGO — 1999
- Centre College basketball coach Mike Dewitt left the college to become head coach at his alma mater Ohio Wesleyan in Delaware, Ohio. His wife Brenda Dewitt resigned from her position as director of the Community Development Council in Boyle County.
- Speed limits were reduced in four areas of Danville city limits by the State Transportation Cabinet.
- An installation of John A. Roush as president of Centre College included a formal ceremony at Norton Center for the Arts, and a parade down Walnut Street featuring the Olympia Brass Band from New Orleans.
- Danville Church of Christ collected books for prison inmates. Delona Alford of Junction City headed a books-for-prisoners ministry to “provide nourishment for their souls.”