Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen meeting is May 2

Published 2:00 pm Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Horse enthusiasts will learn about a fun way to compete with their horses during the Fort Harrod Back Country Horsemen meeting scheduled for May 2 at the Mercer County Extension office at 7 p.m.

FHBCH member Tammy Murphy will lead the group in a Competitive Mounted Orienteering (CMO) demonstration. CMO is a timed event with either individual competitors or teams.

While the demo will include individuals walking a five-plate course on foot, during actual competition, riders compete on their horses and use maps to locate clues. Even though the event is timed, the fastest individuals/teams do not always win as they may miss some of the clues placed on hidden paper plates.

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“During competition, riders cannot use GPS on their phones because no electronic devices are allowed,” Murphy said. “Riders must work individually or as teams to read the map for trail signs and clues.”

CMO competitors may choose either a shorter 5-plate (4 to 5 miles) or 10-plate (10 miles) ride, with the activity appropriate for horses and riders of all ages. According to Murphy, a 27-year-old one-eyed horse competed in a CMO event and claimed first place.

“Riders love the challenge of CMO events and say they will never look at trail riding the same way again,” Murphy said.

For more information about CMO, visit