Forkland Praise and Worship Summer Series event a success

Published 6:54 pm Thursday, August 22, 2019


Praise and Worship Summer Series

The third event in the Praise and Worship Summer Series, being held in Boyle County, was at the Forkland Community Center two Saturday evenings ago. The peaceful valley with the knobs all around was a perfect setting for praising and worshipping our creator. One of the most impressive things that occurred that evening was the reading of the Bible by a large number of those in attendance. Each person was handed a separate section of the Psalms to read aloud and it was truly a blessing to hear the word of God go out down through the hills. The passage that I received was exactly what I needed to hide in my heart. The entire book of Psalms was read in about 20 minutes. I believe our churches would be blessed and revived if we would do that in our congregations at times. The evening began with the Melcher Family, an annointed praise and worship band from a church in Cynthiana. They set the worship and praise tone for the entire evening and everything that followed; even the children’s events were joyful in worshipful to our Lord Jesus Christ. I loved hearing their laughter go out all over that valley and I am sure that it blessed God as well. The singing by Tony Pike and others, testimonies from people whose lives have been changed by the Lord and the fellowship among Christians all blended together in perfect harmony, and revealed that when events go God’s way and not our way, he brings blessing to all of us. Thanks to all of you who made that event a true God-thing and not a man thing.

Email newsletter signup

The last meeting in the series will be held at the Junction City Park on Friday, September 13 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and everyone is invited to come and see what a living God is doing in our county.