Trick-or-treating times set
It’s time to carve your jack-o-lanterns, find your biggest candy bag and pick the perfect costume, because trick-or-treating is right around the corner.
Below are times and dates set for trick-or-treating in Danville, Perryville, Junction City and Stanford. All four cities have opted to make the day before Halloween the date of choice because it is a Saturday.
Danville’s city-wide trick-or-treating will take place Saturday, Oct. 30 from 5-7 p.m., according to a City of Danville Facebook post on Monday.
Junction City’s trick-or-treating will be Oct. 30 from 5-7 p.m., said City Clerk Susan Music. She said Charlotte Burchett is also helping organize a Halloween Town event on the same night. According to one of Burchett’s Facebook posts from Sept. 30, the event will take place from 5-8 p.m. between the new and old fire stations. There will be games, face painting, a costume contest, a chili cook-off, music, popcorn and candy, according to the post. Music said trick-or-treaters are asked to wear masks to help protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
Perryville City Council set a date and time at the last council meeting for city-wide trick-or-treating: Oct. 30 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Though City Clerk Mary Sleet said the city doesn’t do anything itself for Halloween, she said to keep an eye out for churches and businesses hosting events like trunk-or-treat, or giving out candy.
The city of Stanford will hold trick or treat on Saturday, Oct. 30, from 6-8 p.m. Local churches and businesses may also set up on Main Street. The city asks that candy be individually wrapped, and that those passing it out use either no or low-touch distribution.