Latest Voice of the People


Letter to the Editor: Partisan powers must restore honesty and decency about the border

Murray State historian Ken Wolf has written about the lowering of DQ standards, which refers to the Decency ...


Letter to the Editor: A goal without a plan is just a wish

Dear Editor, “A goal without a plan is just a wish” is attributed to Antoine de Saint-Exupery in ...

Voice of the People

Letter to the Editor: Income tax reduction will likely increase state sales tax

The state’s personal income tax rate can’t go down any further than 3% without making major changes to ...


Letter to the Editor: Reducing state income tax costs retirees more

I think that by now most Kentuckians know that the super majorities of the Kentucky House and senate ...


Letter to the Editor: Putting more people in jail isn’t the answer

Dear Editor, Our Kentucky Legislature seems hellbent on passing HB5 which is titled “Safer Kentucky Act” but should ...

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Letter to the Editor: HB 5 will not make Kentucky safer

As the General Assembly meets to discuss vital issues and address problems Kentuckians face, some legislators are trying ...


Letter to the editor: Supreme Court pulls plug on Biden’s student debt pandering

Goodness – there are so many take-aways from one decision by the Supreme Court. The highest court in ...

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Voice of the People: Who is responsible for our country’s destructive policies?

This past week, Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, held a national ...


Voice of the People: We do not need a new detention center

Don’t let it happen Boyle and Mercer County citizens. There’s talk in the wind about building a 450-bed ...

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Letter from Danville Superintendent regarding SB 150

Following the passage of Senate Bill 150 through the Kentucky General Assembly on March 16, I am reminded ...

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