Hardin wins Republican jailer primary
Published 9:27 pm Tuesday, May 22, 2018
- Hardin
Winning the Republican primary for Boyle County jailer race was “tough,” said LeeRoy Hardin Tuesday night after the ballots were counted.
“I’m tickled to death to win,” Hardin said. “I’m going to do what’s right for the people, not for the party. I’m going to do the best I can.”
Hardin received 994 votes; his opponent, Rita Douglas, got 788.
“It was a good race; (Douglas) did a good job. I was more nervous about this than when I ran for sheriff,” said Hardin, who was Boyle County Sheriff from 2004 to 2009. “I’ve been out of (politics) for so long; I’ve been out of it for nine years.”
Besides being sheriff for six years, Hardin was in law enforcement for a total of 23 years, first in the Junction City Police Department and then as a Boyle County deputy sheriff.
In Junction City, where both Hardin and Douglas reside, Hardin received 206 votes, while Douglas received 87. There were other precincts in Danville where Douglas fared better. She received 73 votes to Hardin’s 53 at the Indian Hills precinct and 45 to Hardin’s 36 at the Danville High School precinct. Both of those precincts voted at First Christian Church. Douglas also received 32 to Hardin’s 18 at the SS. Peter and Paul precinct, which votes at the Salvation Army gymnasium.
“I give Rita (Douglas) credit; she ran a good race,” Hardin said.
He said he now has a “long, uphill battle” ahead of him. He will face Democratic nominee Brian Wofford in the general election this fall.
Hardin said he places people above his political party. “I’ve got friends that are Democrat and friends that are Republican.”
He said he thought it was a shame that there was such a small voter turnout, but expects there to be more voters in the fall.