From our files, March 1, 2021
Published 10:04 am Thursday, March 4, 2021
100 YEARS AGO — 1921
“What is a Community House?” is a question which has been asked repeatedly since Danville is on the way to having one. It is a house where our Community Worker can meet with those who come for advice and help as she does now at her office, and where she can gather those same people together for wholesome, recreation, for social evenings and for Sunday afternoon meetings. Their children can come and learn principles of housekeeping, beginning with cooking and sewing. It’s also a place where they can come for a good bath, where they can hear stories and find books. It is a place where women who have no facilities at home can come to do their family washings and know their children are in good hands; where children of working mothers can be cared for in a day nursery, and undernourished school children can come for a hot lunch.
The Danville and Boyle County Hospital Association has received the authority and proper endorsement for making hour hospital a training school for nurses. This will give a splendid opportunity to women between the ages of 18 and 35 to get training equal to any given in Kentucky. Only six women can take the training at a time right now. The training school opens on April 1.
Born, to the wife of Mr. J.H. Jennings, Feb. 27, a fine son. Mother and baby are both doing nicely. Papa is wearing the smile that won’t come off. A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Yellman of Lexington, on Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Yellman formerly lived in Danville.
During the regular monthly meeting of the Danville City Council, it was announced that the $50,000 street bonds will be sold to the highest bidders on March 16. Residents of Shakertown Pike were given the privilege of installing a fire plug at the city limits, provided they pay for it and install it under the rules and regulations of the city. Pavements without curbs and gutters were ordered down on North First Street. Councilman Heber McGrath requested that some improvements be made in the road to the colored cemetery on Duncan Hill, which is owned by the city. The request was granted.
75 YEARS AGO — 1946
Local police were on the lookout for a 1941 black Pontiac sedan, following a hold-up at about 11:30 this morning of Eddie VanDyke in the bus driveway on North Second Street near Main. The automobile with a driver sitting inside with the motor and windshield wiper running was noticed by at least two people while it was parked for a long time at First and Main Streets on teh side of the Catholic Church. A second man entered the car and a third walked from the direction of the Coca-Cola Bottling Plant and got in before the vehicle sped east on Main Street. Meanwhile, VanDyke, who at an errand at Wombell Auto Parts Company on North Second, was accosted by two men who asked him for change for a dollar. When VanDyke took out a tobacco sack containing bills, in order to reach an old-fashioned pocket book with loose change, the men snatched the sack which contained about $150 and fled through the Second Street entrance to the Greyhound bus station driveway. VanDyke was carrying a brake cable and thought of hitting the thieves, but said he was afraid of being arrested for such action. After searching around the bus station for about 20 minutes, he reported the purse-snatching to the police chief.
Wallace Fisher Post, American Legion, the first Legion post ever organized here for Negro veterans of World War I and II, will come to life officially tonight at Odd Fellow’s Hall after six weeks of preliminary planning. Guest speaker will be Col. Meriweather Smith, retired U.S. Army officer of Harrodsburg and graduate of Centre College with the class of 1899. The charter will be presented by the State American Legion commander who will attend the ceremonies. Also present will be members of Boyle Post No. 46, Danville, who have assisted the colored men in organizing the new post. Those to be installed to office are Dudley, Doneghy, commander; Craig Toliver, first vice commander; and George Parr, adjutant. The new Legion post for Negroes is named in honor of Wallace Fisher, Negro, held in high esteem by his fellowmen as a Civil War veteran, outstanding soldier, preacher and race-horse owner.
50 YEARS AGO — 1971
A kidney detection program will be held in the Boyle County and Danville school systems for elementary students. The Kidney Foundation has designed the program to find children with early signs of asymptomatic kidney disease which may, if left untreated, lead to serious kidney-related diseases. Local civic clubs are providing a part of the funds needed to finance this detection program.
The Beatles have sold more than 56 million LPs, placing them ahead of any other artist, the Music Research Bureau in Britain says. Next is Mantovani with 43.5 million; Herb Alpert with 30 million; and Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra with about 25 million each.
With occupancy of 60 housing units for the elderly scheduled to start April 1, the Housing Authority of Danville is awaiting word from the federal government on its application to build 70 more low-rent housing units in Danville and Perryville this year. Completion of construction of the housing units for the elderly will bring the total in Danville and Junction City to 264 and make it possible to move some elderly families from present general low-rent housing into those specifically for senior citizens and take care of some of the backlog of applications, totaling more than 100. J.T. Goggans Co. of Danville is the contractor on the elderly housing units.
Tinder Krauss Tinder, a Lexington optical firm for 47 years, has announced plans to open an office in Danville sometime in May if possible. They hope to have a convenient location in the downtown area.
25 YEARS AGO — 1996
The comprehensive development plan for Boyle County is being updated. The plan calls for most development in the county through 2010 be concentrated in an area stretching from Danville to Junction City.
More than 1,600 volunteer hours were spent in 1995 cleaning up open dumps in Boyle County. One effort between the railroad and Crescent Drive-McIntyre Homes area found two sofas, three reclining chairs and three mattresses. Over 32,000 tons of solid waste were hauled to four landfill sites. And a total of 2,556.63 tons of materials were recycled and 13,030 gallons of used oil were turned in. One special collection brought in 468 tires.
“Save our farmland” was a message sent to the Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission. The commission met to get an input from the public on the Comprehensive Plan.
There were nine infants born at Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center on Thursday, Feb. 29, the date which happens to crop up on the calendar only every four years. A hospital spokesperson said it may be a record for leap year babies born there.